Testimonial - F31 335dx - B3x Sport Springs - Mr Burton

Date: 28/11/15
Hi Kevin
Two things after a week of driving:
(1) The adaptive dampers - please let me know if the decoding issue get resolved - I had a chat with a fella that fitted ACS Coil-overs with his adaptive and they use an electronic plug-in device to get around it.  Not as elegant as decoding!  He is refitting to return the car and he may have his devices spare in the new year, although the decoding would be my preference, and I would still want to get the dampers fitted to complete the package.
(2) New springs - excellent.  In most scenario's I would say they provide a more comfy ride.  Of course winter tyres on 18" alloys does help, but then in Spring I will put non-RFT's on (these are RFT) .  What I didn't expect was that even on winter tyres and stock dampers there is a huge improvement all round.  Whilst the damping is still compromised there is a level of confidence in all areas I have never had in the car before; I would think it is fair to conclude that the springs work much better with Adaptive than the stock springs.  There is less crashy/juddering feel over hard bumps (both at slow speed - speed bumps - and at higher speed).  The increased body control feels much better under braking, on faster bumper corners I'm no longer sawing the wheel as it wanders all over the lane - it just goes where I expect it to with minimal input.  Finally, understeer is reduced under power, it now feels like a real push from the back (with it yawing naturally to keep pushing the car round the corner) with the front pulling the car round nicely - the ability to use the power of the car is greatly increased.  The only issue I now have is that the car doesn't feel like it's pushing the limits of the chassis, and another 60-70PS needs to be added!
In summary; very happy with the car and grateful for the lengths you have got to bring the potential out of the F30 chassis.  I can thoroughly recommend the spring set even with stock dampers as a large improvement without compromising the ride comfort.  The confidence and engagement I can now get is what an MSport BMW is all about, and I'm looking forward to adding the dampers as I can only imagine it will feel truly transformed.